Holy Land in the Holy Text

Is Trump’s Gaza Plan Ushering in the Prophecy of Ezekiel 34:25?

Cynthia Hannah Episode 8

Could President Trump’s Gaza plan be the fulfillment of Ezekiel 34’s prophecy?

In this episode, Cynthia Hannah explores the connections between the biblical text of Ezekiel 34 and contemporary events, particularly focusing on President Donald Trump's proposals regarding Gaza. 

Ezekiel 34 speaks of God removing the "vicious beasts" from the land and establishing security for the Israelites. In today’s context, Trump’s plan to eliminate Hamas and rebuild Gaza could be part of this divine blueprint, paving the way for Israel’s prophetic redemption. The discussion delves into the historical context of Ezekiel's prophecies, the significance of the covenant of peace, and the role of faith in supporting Israel today. 

For centuries, scripture has foretold Israel’s restoration. God promises to bless those who bless Israel, and the prophetic words of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah have long pointed to the Jewish people’s return to their ancestral land. Now, modern Israel thrives—its agricultural miracles, military strength, and divine protection serving as undeniable proof of God's promises coming to life.

This episode unpacks Ezekiel 34’s message, the meaning of the covenant of peace, and what it signifies for the coming Messianic era and the future of the Holy Land.

Longer Summary for SEO purposes:

This podcast explores how biblical prophecy is unfolding in Israel today, aligning with God’s promise to remove the vicious beasts from the land and bring security to His people. The Bible foretells Israel’s restoration, and Trump’s proposed efforts to eliminate Hamas and rebuild Gaza may be a divine step toward the Geula era. As the world watches, the prophecies of Israel’s redemption and protection continue to come to life.

From Genesis 12:3, where God promises to bless those who bless Israel, to the prophetic words of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, scripture has long foretold the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral land. Today, modern Israel is thriving, fulfilling God’s covenant as described in the Hebrew Bible. With agricultural miracles, military strength, and divine protection, Israel stands as living proof that biblical prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes.

Now more than ever, We must stand firm in their support for Israel. As God’s promise to Israel unfolds, believers are called to pray for Israel, defend its biblical right to the land, and reject the lies spread by anti-Israel forces. The battle is not just political—it is spiritual, as prophesied in the End Times. Join us as we dive into Ezekiel 34, unpack the signs of Israel’s biblical fulfillment, and discuss what this means for the Geula era, Messianic era, and the future of the Holy Land.


  • Cynthia Hannah emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical texts in a contemporary context.
  • Ezekiel's prophecies are seen as relevant to current events, particularly regarding Israel.
  • Cynthia connects President Trump's actions to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies of getting rid of the Land of Israel's Vicious Beasts. The podcast also looks at The covenant of peace, a central theme in Ezekiel's writings, indicating a future of universal peace.God's presence and protection over Israel are highlighted as crucial in times of conflict.

What Does the Bible Really Say About Israel? Find out on the Holy Land in the Holy Text Podcast! Listen for free: www.holylandintheholytext.com

I'm Cynthia Hannah.biblical educator, author, and host of the Holy Land in the Holy Text podcast where I share wisdom and insights about the Holy Land, known today as the Land of Israel, that are hidden inside the Jewish biblical text and I bring it out for all to see and learn. I strive to make this podcast accessible to all so I simplify and explain different biblical concepts so that anybody of any faith or background can understand why the Land of Israel is so important.

from inside the biblical text itself. I interweave a wide array of Torah, Hasidic, and Kabbalistic commentators along the knowledge that has been passed down to me through a variety of incredible teachers that I've been privileged to study under for the last 13 years here in the Holy Land itself. Now without further ado, please enjoy the Holy Land in the Holy Text podcast.

Today I stumbled upon something in the book of the prophet Ezekiel that absolutely shocked me and stopped me in my tracks. It caused me to think, wait a minute, could it be that President Donald Trump is fulfilling Ezekiel's prophecy? Sounds crazy, right? But when I looked at the text, I thought the parallels were undeniable. So I'm going to show you what I saw inside the text and I'll leave it for you to decide.

It's interesting because I think if you ask most people what they think of the Torah, the Hebrew biblical text, I think many of them would say it's some type of static book of ancient stories, rules, and theology, some type of relic of the past. But is it? For my 15 years of studying it, I discovered it's anything but static. It's a living dynamic blueprint for understanding our world.

Cynthia (02:04.96)
Studying the Hebrew biblical text isn't just about learning history or morality. It teaches us about seeing, recognizing, and interacting with God in real time in this very real world. Like King Solomon wisely put it, there is nothing new under the sun. And if we pay attention, we might find that everything, yes, everything is already in there.

Okay, so let's go back to the text because I want to show you what I found. So I was in the book of the prophet Ezekiel or Yaheskel in Hebrew, chapter 34, when I saw a crazy connection to the completely unexpected announcement from US President Donald Trump a couple weeks ago regarding his proposal to rebuild Gaza. His proposal wasn't just another political move, it was a radical shift.

that could finally offer real hope for all the suffering in Gaza. President Donald Trump would enable to get rid of Hamas and their terrorist friends from Gaza and rebuild it. A new Gaza available for all, including Gazans who wish to live in peace. Those who don't subscribe to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad doctrine. Because ironically, at the end of the day, it's going to be Israel who frees Gaza from their Hamas dictators.

who have imprisoned, radicalized, brainwashed, and ruined the lives of those who were unfortunate enough to have been born into that reality. Think about it. For decades, Gazans have been entrapped and stuck in Gaza without the ability to leave, just so that they could be the ploy and toy of the international anti-Semitic community and to serve as the distraction for the Arab world's poor leadership and living conditions.

But what if that could change? Well, President Donald Trump is offering, at least as of now, in February 2025, is actually finally a new possibility for hope. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's step back into Ezekiel 34, and I want to show you exactly how this prophecy connects with President Trump's announcement. Before we dive into Ezekiel 34, I just want to give everyone a bit of background on the prophet Ezekiel, just to make sure we're all on the same page.

Cynthia (04:25.922)
So the book of the prophet Ezekiel records the prophecies and mission of one of the most important biblical prophets. Ezekiel lived in the sixth century BCE and is known for his powerful call to individual responsibility and repentance, what we call in Hebrew, tshuvah. In modern terms, I call it self-improvement and spiritual growth. The prophet Ezekiel's writings emphasizes God's love and compassion.

but he's actually most famous about his stunning prophecies regarding the ultimate redemption, known in Jewish sources as the Geula. Ezekiel's visions point to a future of divine justice, transformation, and global spiritual awakening. Whether you want to call it the end of days, the Messianic era, the apocalypse, tomato, tomato. But one thing is clear.

Ezekiel's prophecies are unfolding right before our very eyes. So now let me show you Ezekiel's prophecies and how it connects to President Donald Trump's plan. I think the best way to do this is that I'm going to go over the verse and then I'll break it down line by line so that we can unpack it together. And by the way, I have a full source sheet that's beautifully labeled with the Hebrew and English sources on my website and in the show notes.

So if anybody would like, can go to theholilandintheholitext.com or feel free to reach out to me on Facebook and Instagram and I'll happily send it over. Okay, without further ado, Ezekiel chapter 34 verse 24 starts with God confessing to the prophet Ezekiel as follows.

and rid the land of vicious beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety." Okay, so let's break it down from the beginning with the phrase, I the eternal one will be their God. So the use of the eternal God in which it uses the name of God using the letters Yod, He, Vav, He is one of the most important, if not the most important ineffable name of God.

Cynthia (06:48.498)
and it highlights this aspect of God that is not bound by time or circumstance. And so we can understand that this affirmation of being their God is not a temporary or conditional. It is a foundational statement that the covenant is eternal and beyond time. And the proclamation of being their God reaffirms God's direct relationship with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Israelites.

who are known today as the Jews. Now, God's declaration also means that he is actively guiding, protecting, and sustaining Israel. And we'll go into that in a minute. But the next line goes as follows. And so we understand this to mean that the reference to David isn't about King David himself, but it points to a future leader.

a righteous and divinely appointed king who will rule with wisdom, justice, and moral integrity in the Messianic era. Now, according to Jewish tradition, as described in the prophetic writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others, is that this leader will be known as Moshiah ben David, the Messiah son of David, and he will be a direct descendant of King David from the tribe of Judah, chosen by God to bring the redemption to restore divine truth

and to usher an era of global peace and God-consciousness. Okay, we're all together so far. Okay, let's move on. This is important, the next line. It says, I will make a covenant of peace with them. So this is actually one of the key themes of the redemption era in Jewish thought. And what does it mean? Well, in the biblical language, a covenant isn't just a promise. It's a binding agreement, a type of divine contract between God and his people.

But this specific covenant of peace isn't just about temporary security. It's much deeper than that. It's pointing directly to the final Geulah messianic era, which will be a time of universal peace, where all of humanity will experience a heightened consciousness of God's presence. And what does that mean for the world to know God's presence? According to Jewish scripture, it means that there will be a time when the whole world has God awareness.

Cynthia (09:14.178)
where spiritual clarity replaces confusion, where truth is undeniable, where justice and compassion reign freely. In this heightened state, our egos disappear. The illusion of separateness disappears. Scarcity mentality is replaced with abundance mentality. And our desires change. Instead of chasing fleeting pleasures, addictions, distractions, and disconnection, we seek purpose, goodness, and divine alignment.

People will instinctively care for one another, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, because we finally will understand that we're all connected, all part of the same divine source. Peace isn't just the absence of war, but the presence of God in every aspect of life. And so where does this redemption physically begin? According to the biblical text here in the land of Israel, and specifically in

God's resting place, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. From here, this elevated energy, this higher consciousness, spreads to the entire world. Powerful, right? But that's discussion for another time because I keep getting off topic and I wanna go back to showing you the text of how this connects to President Donald Trump's plan, okay? And we're coming up to it. It's this last line of the verse 24. It says, God will rid the land of vicious beasts so that they,

referring to the nation of Israel, may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety. Okay, ready for it? Let's see the connection. So while wild beasts were a literal danger in ancient biblical Israel, this is really referring to a symbolic beast that threatens Israel, whether it's physical, ideological, or spiritual dangers. And when I read that God's gonna get rid of the vicious beasts from the land, I immediately connected it

that to Trump's plan of finally getting rid of Hamas. And you don't need to be a zoologist to recognize what's happening. Just look at the horrific images and videos of what Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to the Jewish people sleeping in their homes or the youth dancing at the music festival in the forest on October 7th, 2023. Those acts were displays of cruelty that is inhumane and beyond comprehension.

Cynthia (11:42.358)
Words cannot even acknowledge what those vicious beasts perpetuated. And I'll spare you the details here. But those vicious monsters and all those who subscribe to their mentality don't belong on this earth. And it's very possible that they will be removed from the land according to Ezekiel's prophecy. But here's the key takeaway. How does God fulfill his prophecies made thousands of years ago from the Hebrew biblical text? So,

This may come as a surprise to some people, but God works through the natural order in laws of this world. So he enables people to do his bidding. And right now, the only human and world leader who has both the power, faith, and strength to make this happen is Donald Trump. No other leader possesses the guts or conviction to carry out such a decisive plan. Now,

If this plan moves forward, would be a direct fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy that God will remove the vicious beasts from the land and that Israel will live in peace. So hopefully I'll be alive to see this come to fruition. But before I conclude, I want to share just a few more lines from Ezekiel's prophecy that shows prophecies which have already come true. And so we can understand that if those promises and prophecies have been fulfilled,

then we can have faith that the rest will follow because God keeps his words and promises. Okay, so let's go back into the text just a few more lines. Actually, let's look at the final lines of Ezekiel 34, where God continues describing what the future will look like in the era of the Geola, the redemption. so starting on verse 26, it goes as follows. And God says, will make them, aka Israel, and the places around my hill,

aka Jerusalem, a blessing. The trees of the fields shall yield their fruit and the land shall yield its produce. My people shall continue secure on its own soil. I shall establish for them a planting of renown. They shall no more be carried off by famine and they shall not have to bear again the taunts of the other nations. They shall know that I, the eternal, their God, am with them and they

Cynthia (14:03.63)
The house of Israel are my people declares the sovereign God. Okay, let's break this down. Now for nearly 2000 years while the Jewish people were exiled outside the land of Israel, the land lay barren as if waiting for its people to return. One of the most famous historical description of this comes from the American writer Mark Twain who visited Israel in 1867. He described it as a desolate country.

empty of trees and vegetation. Almost all of the land in Israel pre-1948 was either barren, rocky desert, or malaria infested swampland. But you would never know that when looking at Israel today because through divine blessing and innovation Israel drained swamps, we irrigated desert, desalinized water. Israel literally made the impossible possible and made the desert bloom.

just like Isaiah had prophesized in chapter 35. And what's even more incredible is that Israel didn't just turn barren land into fertile ground. It became a global leader in agriculture and water technology. Israel now exports fruits, vegetables, and even water to the world, fulfilling the prophecy of Ezekiel, where the land would become abundant, renowned, and provide security for its people.

And as for the verse stating that the Jewish people will no longer have to endure the taunts from the other nations? Well, we know from history that since the Jews were exiled and scattered across the world, they endured relentless persecution, suffering, and countless attempts to erase them from history. But God never forgets his promises or his faithful servants. And just like the prophets Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah,

Amos and others foretold thousands of years ago, the scattered Jewish nation would eventually be gathered back to their homeland from some of the most remote locations on earth. And since its rebirth in 1948, Israel has gathered the Holocaust survivors from Europe, Jewish prisoners from the gulags of Siberia to the scattered Jewish minorities in Australia, South America, Asia and Africa.

Cynthia (16:30.326)
and return them back home. Since its modern rebirth, Israel has faced constant war, terror, and existential threats. Yet, instead of being destroyed, it has not only survived, it has thrived. Through resilience, innovation, and unwavering faith, Israel has become one of the most secure, advanced, and dynamic nations in the world. And so the Israelites will no longer

have to credibly fear the threats and taunts around us. And now as we reach the end of Ezekiel 34, we come to the last verse that is incredibly relevant now more than ever, especially in light of everything that has happened in Israel today and after the war that started on October 7th, 2023. So the verse that closes this chapter in Ezekiel goes as follows. Then they shall know that I, the Lord, am their God.

and I'm with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people, declares the Lord." Okay, what does this mean? This isn't just poetic language. It's a final, undeniable realization of God's presence in the world. And let's be honest, if you've been following what's been happening in Israel in the news, you can't ignore it. There's a higher force protecting this nation. Think about it.

Whether it was Iran sending hundreds of ballistic missiles and drones and not one Israeli getting killed. To the success of the pager and beeper explosions with Hezbollah in Lebanon. To the Iron Dome intercepting thousands of missiles before they can strike. To the unparalleled intelligence and defense system that not only protects Israel against threats, but allows us to strike in the heart of enemy countries.

with the most mind blowing accuracy. This is not just human achievement or military strength people. This is spiritual strength, the hand of God at work, fulfilling his covenant and promise in protecting his people and their homeland. No matter how advanced our defenses, our greatest protection comes from the one who neither slumbers nor sleeps. Now let's be clear, evil will always try to fight against good.

Cynthia (18:51.939)
And the enemies of Israel are not just political opponents. They are vicious beasts driven by pure hatred. And while it may take time, they will be defeated, whether through President Trump or another messenger. But let's pray that justice comes swiftly and that the threats around us are completely removed. Because when we open our eyes and see, we can help but notice God's hand in helping us get rid of them. And if you're connected to faith,

and your head hasn't been stuck in the sand or TikTok videos, and if you know God's teaching, then you are connecting the dots and seeing the truth of what's really going on. You know why? Because me being here in this land is a standing testimony that God is faithful to his word. Every new building in Jerusalem, every farmer harvesting in the Galil,

And every child playing in Tel Aviv is a living testimony that God is faithful to his words and promises. I myself am a descendant of Jews that have been scattered to several nations around the world. Yet finally, after millennia, I have the schutz, I have the merit to be back in Israel. And that this means that Israel will not only return to the land, but we will dwell securely as promised.

Okay, so what do we do with all this information? Like, what does this mean for us today, practically? Well, first, this is a reminder of our faith. It should be reassuring that God's in charge and that we don't have to worry. If he has fulfilled these ancient prophecies, then we can trust that all his other promises will also come true as well. God's word is literally unfolding before our own eyes, but

While we have to have faith and trust, we also can't stay idle. Second, this reminds us to stand with Israel. The mainstream media and ignorant people on TikTok and Instagram algorithms may not understand or acknowledge God's plan, but we do. We need to speak truth to power. We must stand up, speak out, and support our brothers and sisters in Israel against those who seek to harm them.

Cynthia (21:08.451)
And just as God promised to bless those who bless Israel, He also promised to curse those who curse Israel. And so we must be faithful to pray for Israel, to support its people, and declare the truth of God's Word. And last but not least, the most important, we must strengthen our faith and take action. It's not enough to believe in God's plan, we have to live it. This means deepening our connection to Torah learning,

prayer and mitzvot, meaning good deeds, because spiritual strength fuels real-world impact. The battle we're witnessing isn't just political or military, it's spiritual. And in times of darkness, the greatest weapon we have is light. And each of us has a role to play in bringing the geula into the world. Whether it's through acts of kindness, spreading truth,

standing against evil or deepening our own faith. The Jewish people have survived every empire, every exile and every attack. Not because of our numbers or strength, but because of our unbreakable connection and faith in believing in God and His promises. And now it's the time to fortify that connection like never before. Let's not just be observers of the prophecy happen. Let's be participants.

Let's pray with conviction. Let's act with purpose. Let's walk boldly in the truth of God's word. Because when we do, we're not just preparing for the redemption, we're helping to bring it closer. And so with that, I want to conclude with a short prayer. And I want to say thank you, God, Hashem, Rebono Shalom, Master of the universe, for showing us that you are faithful to your promises, that you never deserted us.

that you gathered us, your people, restored the land, and are establishing a covenant of peace for all of us, for the entire world. We thank you for your protection over Israel and our leaders, and we ask that you continue to bless and defend us, and that you keep a special watch on our brave soldiers. And as we witness the prophecies being fulfilled, may our faith be strengthened, and may we always be connected to the light. And let us always have the courage

Cynthia (23:32.074)
to stand with you and your Torah. Amen.